Monday, February 22, 2016
Ashitaba adalah sayuran hijau / tanaman penyembuh, dengan anti-oksidan yang sangat kuat berupa Chalcone (“Getah Kuning”), tanaman ini berasal dari Pulau Hachijo / Hachi Jo Island (Pulau Panjang Umur), Jepang. Dan karena bentuk tanaman ini seperti seledri sehingga disebut juga Seledri Jepang. Ternyata mereka rutin mengkonsumsi Ashitaba setiap hari. Tanaman obat kaya anti-oksidan itu mereka jadikan sebagai sayuran sehingga membuat daya tahan tubuh mereka sangat kuat.
Ashitaba berkhasiat untuk memperlancar kesulitan menstruasi, memperlancar peredaran darah, obat diuretic, dan memperlancar aliran susu ibu. Dalam penelitian yang dilakukan oleh para ilmuwan Jepang Ashitaba mengandung vitamin B12 yang biasanya ada pada hewan. Vitamin ini berfungsi untuk memproduksi sel darah merah, meningkatkan produksi hormon, memperkuat daya ingat, dan meningkatkan imunitas. Ashitaba juga diketahui sangat ampuh dalam menahan pertumbuhan kanker, mengobati kanker saraf dan leukemia, menyebabkan program kematian sel kanker, obat anti-hipertensi dan anti-diabetes
Kanker Payudara, Kanker Darah, Kanker Paru, Kanker Lambung, Kanker Syaraf, Kanker Kulit & Berbagai Kanker Lainnya / Jantung Koroner / Meningkatkan Fungsi Hati & Ginjal / Hepatitis Kronis / HIV / AIDS / Alzheimer / Kolesterol / Darah Tinggi / Stroke / Vertigo / Migraen / Diabetes Kering & Basah / Kelenjar Getah Bening / Asam Urat / Thrombus / Alergi & Sinus / Osteoporosis / Sekresi Asam Lambung / Impoten & Kelemahan Seksual / Meningkatkan Produksi Sperma / Badan Loyo / Nyeri Sendi & Otot / Asma / Ambeien / Anemia / Rematik / Nyeri Haid & Siklus Haid / Fungsi Otak & Memori / Anti-tumor / Anti-bakteri & Anti-virus / Anti-oksidan / Anti-aging / Meningkatkan Metabolisme / Dll.
jantung koroner,
seledri jepang,
Saturday, February 20, 2016
Ashitaba (Angelica Keiskei Koidzumi) adalah sayuran hijau / tanaman penyembuh, dengan anti-oksidan yang sangat kuat berupa Chalcone (“Getah Kuning”), tanaman ini berasal dari Pulau Hachijo / Hachi Jo Island (Pulau Panjang Umur), Jepang. Dan karena bentuk tanaman ini seperti seledri sehingga disebut juga Seledri Jepang.
Para penduduk di pulau ini terkenal dengan umur panjangnya yang bisa mencapai 90 tahun lebih. Rahasia umur panjang penduduk Pulau Hachi Jo ini akhirnya tersingkap. Ternyata mereka rutin mengkonsumsi Ashitaba setiap hari. Tanaman obat kaya anti-oksidan itu mereka jadikan sebagai sayuran sehingga membuat daya tahan tubuh mereka sangat kuat
Friday, June 24, 2011
How to Use Pay Per Click Advertising
If you want your website to be profitable you need to be certain you are driving as much traffic to your website as possible. It is well worth it to appoint an Internet Marketing company to plan and implement the essential strategies to drive new visitors to your site. Your online business can only grow if your site’s visibility is increasing. Put another way, you can only get additional sales if more people are aware of your business.
Togetherness with canvas prints
What is the most preferred and also dearest thing in the world that men or women have a need for? Properly, everybody proper answers undeniably that it really is true love. Indeed, the fact remains, real love. Love and also soul love, what every person and lots of family pets wish to have most significantly inside their lifetime. Your beloved is simply certainly an ideal situation when this unique truelove arrives, revealed and broadened. It is so terrific to share together with involve a flavorful lunch with all of your family, talking over appealing matters.
Is your blood sugar normal?
As the world is being concerned with this everyday disorder, there’s ceaseless growth in the myths. It is a fact that more men and women need to comprehend diabetes and what is normal blood sugar level. It’s vital for everybody to recognize the concept of what is normal blood sugar level. That should help many people reduce diabetes as well as the other glucose metabolic disorders.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
1. Click the "BROWSE" button to find a photo on your computer. The ideal picture size is 200x200 pixel. If your photo is a different size, the generator will resize your picture to fit within the cube. For best results, use your picture editor software to resize your photo first if necessary.
2. Click on "UPLOAD" button. Your picture will appear after it is uploaded. The maximum photocube file size allowed in the picture cube is 1.0 MB.
3. Click on the "Copy HTML code" button to grab the code or select all the code in the Codebox and Copy (Ctrl+C) it. Don't modify the code.
4. Paste all of the Graffiti Maker Code (Ctrl+V) in your Blogs such as "About Me" or send it as a Comment, Bulletin or Email. Very easy..
The Photo Cube Generator can also be used for for Tagged, MyYearbook, Friendster, Hi5, Social Networks, Blogs & Websites.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Your Free Way To Web Income
If you're looking for a way to earn your living from the internet then there is no better and easier way than this. What's great is there's no product to make and it's FREE. You get paid instead.
Let's first look at what it takes in order to make money the traditional way...
Let's first look at what it takes in order to make money the traditional way...
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